Monday, March 31, 2014


We made soup, and just so happened to have a bunch of mint leftover. Given the warming weather, it seemed appropriate to turn the rest of the mint into a makeshift mojito. It's more of a carbonated alcoholic lemonade with mint, really. Whatever it is, it was the perfect addition to my most serene day ever.

Several Leaves of Fresh Mint
1-2 shots of White Rum
1 Lime or Lemon (Traditionally made with limes, but we have a ton of lemons that need using)
2 tablespoons of Sugar
1/2 cup Club Soda

Dissolve the sugar in a little bit of hot water, then add the mint leaves and mash them up. Squeeze as much of the lime/lemon juice as desired (I used the whole thing because I like it tangy) and add the rum. Add ice, then the club soda and give it a stir. Garnish with some whole mint leaves.

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