Saturday, March 8, 2014

Hana Japanese Restaurant

Pretty (but not all that functional) Chopstick Rest
Ankimo (Monk Fish Liver)
 Amaebi (Sweet Shrimp)
 Fried head of the Amaebi
Sashimi Sampler and Yummy Roll

So there isn't much in the way of Asian culture going on around Rohnert Park, but as far as Asian restaurants Hana is good enough. It's a small restaurant that features fine Japanese cuisine, with gorgeous presentation and a variety of choices.

The food is good, but nothing too crazy. Their selection of sashimi includes more expensive items such as chutoro (fatty tuna) and mirugai (geoduck clam), as well as simpler things such as tamago (egg) and sake (salmon).

Anyways, what really impressed me was their service and honesty. My mom was feeling a little under the weather, and so she didn't finish her nabeyaki udon. After we had paid and left, the waiter called me (they had my number from my reservation) and apologized profusely for the udon, saying that the broth wasn't prepared correctly and that he should have made sure with my mom that the soup was to her liking. He apologized again, then informed us that they had canceled the udon on the bill for their mistake.

Mom thought the udon tasted fine.


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