Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Costco is for Coats (and Polish Sausages)

(Calvin Klein Coat, AE Jeans)
So I normally go to Costco to buy polish sausages. And I usually buy two at a time because I'm addicted to eating. Once I had a friend (she loves eating as much as I do) buy two of them, and the cashier skipped me afterwards thinking that my friend had bought one of them for me. When she apologized and explained her mistake, we both laughed. Like one polish sausage each was enough for us.

Anyways, point is I never think, "Oh, maybe I'll stop by Costco for some clothes", even though I'm fully aware that they sell them. But this Calvin Klein coat has been one of my most practical purchases. It's probably the warmest coat I own (taking into account that the areas where I've lived have no weather), and it works with anything from jeans to dresses because it's so simple.

And the label on the sleeve, for whatever reason, makes me really happy.

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