Thursday, February 27, 2014

Leather Flowers

(Zenana Outfitters Pleather Jacket, Swoon Dress, Kohl's Pumps) 

Running errands, but we stopped by the park for some quick photos. The kids playing in the park were probably confused by my presence. I mean, what kind of crazy chick swings with heels on? Apparently that's what I do now.

Anyways, I had bought both the dress and the jacket at the same time with the intention of wearing them for this specific outfit, but ended up using the jacket a lot more. I'm not normally a fan of prints and floral patterns (this is probably the only thing in my closet that has floral anything), but I find that the would-be-girlishness of the dress is toned down dramatically with the addition of the jacket and works quite well. What I also like about this particular dress is the fit. I have a bit of a manly figure with no waist to speak of and legs like tree trunks (the result of hours and hours of tennis, badminton, and eating tons of meat). However, the dress enhances my waistline by tapering in the center, and its (slightly too short) length and flared shape gives the impression of longer, slimmer legs.

And yes, I have been messing around with ways to present my photos (whee weird filters).

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