Friday, February 21, 2014

The Sun Shines Through the Color Black

(Forever 21 Top, Cotton On Tank Top, American Eagle Jeans, Target Sunglasses, no memory of where I got the Ankle Boots)

So this is probably one of my most standard, commonly worn outfits. It's relatively simple, comfortable, and practical. Most of my wardrobe is black (it's slimming, easy to match, and I can spill whatever sauce on myself and it most likely won't be noticeable), but this particular top is one of my current favorites. Also, I buy my jeans one size larger and slightly long to make my legs appear slimmer. The long jeans bunch up at the bottom and the bunched area hides the large difference in size between my large calves and small ankles, creating a straighter line. Also, loose jeans allow me the flexibility to prance around when I get excited.

Anyways, took these pictures after running some errands at the local mall. Always interesting to wonder what people are thinking while they walk by staring as you take pictures. Also the smallness of my eyes is like nature's version of sunglasses.

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