Sunday, June 15, 2014

A Breeze in Chicago

Went up to Chicago a couple months ago with a friend (again, sorry for the huge delay). There wasn't really a purpose to this trip except to eat pizza and hot dogs (more on that later), and the rest of it was just sort of exploring and taking photos. It was relatively warm, but I still took the trip as an excuse to wear the winter clothing that I would normally never touch in LA. 

As usual, tackling everything in black and white with a splash of color. I actually really like the way the blue from the purse and beige from the scarf work together. Not normally a common color combination for me, but one that I think I might utilize more in the near future.

Also, leg warmers combined with combat boots have the effect of making my legs look thinner... something I would be happier to use if it didn't involve me roasting to death in LA.

***Photo Credit: Jimmy Wu***

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Cloudy Days

(Calvin Klein Blazer, H&M Shorts and Tights, Pussycat Top, Michael Kors Bag)

First things first, sorry about the lack of posts for the last couple months! Life has been a little crazy recently, and will probably stay a little crazy for the next couple months as well. Anyways, moving on.

So we were up in Santa Barbara for some wine tasting a couple months ago (yes, it took a while to get these up, shhh), and ended up tasting very little wine and mostly wandering around. We came across some train tracks that we thought would be fun for photos (and so did the people in the background). 

Boots and blazers are pretty standard for me, but what I don't normally wear would be this top. My mom bought it for me when we were in London several years ago, and I never really knew what to do with it. Finally decided to put it to use, then immediately got a black smudge on it. This is why I can't wear white things.

***Photo Credit: Jimmy Wu***